What to Expect

What to Expect

Weekly Church Services

You can check out our current Service Times page to see details of our current services.

When you attend one of our Sunday worship services you are welcome to participate as you feel comfortable. If you would like, you can just come in, sit and watch what we do. There is no dress code, so come along as you feel comfortable. 

Most people dress smart casual, but anything is fine. There is also no need to bring anything. Everything you will need is provided. But you are welcome to bring your own bible if you would like.

What We Do

All our worship services seek to worship & honour God and give us opportunities to encourage and serve one another in our relationship with God through Jesus. At all services you can expect singing (a mix of traditional and contemporary songs), Bible reading, praying, and the preaching of the Bible (where a part of God’s Word is explained and applied), as well as Kids talks, Mission Spots and testimonies.


Our preaching works systematically through different books of the Bible. You can find and listen to past sermons on the sermons page.


The music at the morning services is provided by a team of musicians (piano, organ, guitar, bass, drums, violin, flute). Our musicians assist us by leading our times of singing. In the evening service, a range of instruments are used.


We don’t take up a collection during our services. It is our privilege to be able to freely share the good news of Jesus with everyone who comes. However, if you’d like to contribute financially to the ongoing work of the gospel in our local church and around the world, there’s a collection box in the church foyer. 

Morning Tea

Each Sunday, between the two morning services, morning tea is served in the small hall located in the Church Centre just along the footpath from the church building – which we encourage you to stay for if you are able. We also bring and share a church lunch on our Lord Supper Sundays, which is open to everyone.

If you have any questions before you visit, please contact one of the Pastors on the Contact Us page.

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