At Drouin Presbyterian we place a high priority in partnering with parents in the task of raising their children to love, know, serve and enjoy Jesus. We love children and they are always most welcome in church.
All Children's Ministry leaders have current Working With Children's Checks. Leaders are required to undergo rigorous safety checks through the Presbyterian Church of Victoria's Safe Church Unit to receive approval to work with children and each leader receives child safety training. Children's Ministry leaders must adhere to the PCV Safe Church Policy, Safe Church Code of Conduct and Drouin Presbtyerian Church's Children's & Youth & Ministry Policy.
Sunday School classes for children in Kinder to Grade 6 run in the Church Centre each Sunday morning during school terms.
We have three classes running, each with a key teacher and an assistant teacher: Beginners (3yo Kinder to Grade 1), Explorers (Grade 2-6 girls), Adventurers (Grade 2-6 boys).
Classes start at 10am sharp and finish at 10:30am sharp (in between the two church services). Sunday School classes are therefore accessible to children regardless of which morning service they attend.
Please Contact Us for more details.
You are welcome to keep your children in during the church service, however, should the need arise, a crèche is available (with approved carers) during the sermon at the 8:40am service.
Parents are invited to take their young children to crèche during the song prior to the sermon if they wish to make use of these facilities, but you will need to collect them again after church!
Also there is some seating in the foyer for families who wish to take young children out of the main church area, if they become unsettled.
Please contact the Crèche Coordinator for more details.
Most weeks we have a short Kids Spot during the service to teach and engage young children at an age appropriate level.
The Kids Spot serves as a children’s introduction to the sermon that is to come, and we encourage all the young children to come down the front to listen. It usually involves a story, a skit, or a song and a prayer at the end.
You can view some Kids Spots from our previous church online services.
KidZone is for children in Prep through to Grade 6 and runs fortnightly on Fridays from 4:30-6:00pm.
It runs like a youth group for primary school kids with active and passive games, crafts, bible time, food and heaps of fun.
A sausage sizzle will be provided and it is asked that parents provide a donation of $5 per child or $10 for a family in total, to contribute towards the cost of running the program.
Please contact the KidZone Coordinator for more details.
We run a community Toy Library from the church hall. It's open on Friday mornings between 9am-12pm and monthly on Saturday mornings 9:00-10:00am (both during school terms).
Toys and books can be borrowed by Drouin Toy Library members who pay a small monthly or annual fee. All toys are meticulously cleaned and sanitised upon return.
On the Friday mornings at 10:30am we gather for songs, stories and parachute games. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to join in the fun with their children.
Our Toy Library page has more information and contact details.
Sunday Services
8:40am and 10:40am
(5:00pm Monthly)
Office Details
Phone: 03 5625 1126
PO Box 162, Drouin VIC 3818.