

This is our church news page which is updated weekly.

Updated 06/03/2025
This Sunday - 9 March

This Sunday morning Steve Jones will be preaching from Luke 2:1-20. If you would like to re-listen to any of our past sermons, you can find them here.

If you would like to catch up on Cam Garrett’s talks from our Church Camp Series on ‘Money, Sex and Power’, they are available here.

‘Membership Sunday’

This Sunday we'll be welcoming several people into membership in our church at both of our morning services. Some have been with us for some time, and others are still fairly new, but they’re all keen to partner with us in Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known. We trust you’ll be encouraged as you hear how God’s been at work in their lives to save and sanctify them in Jesus. If you’d like to find out more about becoming a member of this church, please speak to Heath Easton.

Board of Management Election

We’re currently holding an election of four members for the Board of Management to serve for a 2 year term. Nominations can be submitted until 12:15pm on Sunday 9 March. Election instructions and the names of those who can be nominated are displayed in the church foyer and on the notice board outside the top hall. All nominations must be signed by the church member submitting the nomination and the nominee.

If a ballot is necessary, it will be held on Sundays 23 & 30 March.

Catch up with the Deans

Chris and Julie Dean have invite us to an "Open House" in Drouin on the afternoon of Saturday 8 March. They would love you to drop in any time between 1:30-5:00pm. They’ll present a short presentation about their gospel work Timor-Leste at 3:00pm. Location details have been given in the weekly church newsletter email, or email the office for details.

Gravity Service - ‘The God who is Good and Holy”

At our monthly Gravity services this year we are exploring the character and nature of the God who is there. A God beyond our complete comprehension, but one who reveals himself to us personally in the Bible. This month we are going to be looking at God’s goodness and his holiness. A good God in a world far from good. A holy God amongst people far from holy. Yet one who calls us to himself despite our lack of both. We would love to see you there. Come along and bring a friend.

Sunday 16 March at 5:00pm.

Dinner at 6:30pm ($2). Speaker: Steve Jones

Hope Explored Evangelistic Course

Over three Wednesday evenings in March (12, 19 & 26) from 7:30pm we’ll be running Hope Explored again. The three sessions focus on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, showing how Jesus offers us a hope worth having and a hope that won’t disappoint us. Each week there’ll be a short Bible study, a video talk and a discussion based on the talk. It’s relaxed, informal, enjoyable and allows plenty of time for questions and conversations. 

We’d love you to come along to this course if you’re still getting to know Jesus for yourself, or to invite a friend to come along with you if you already know Jesus, so that they might come to be filled with the same hope you’ve found in him. Pick up a flyer from church and get praying about how you might make the most of this Hope Explored course! Let Steve Jones know if you’d like to find out more by filling in this form or respond using the QR code below.

The Goodness of the Lord

Ladies, we’d love you to join in our evening of fellowship over dessert as we hear Christina Finley’s reflections on Psalm 34. This is an event for women (12 years+) To come and Taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8).

Saturday 29 March7:30-9:00pm at DPC.

Please RSVP for catering by 24 March to Emily Selvaraj by filling in this form.

Third Sunday Service Get Together

Thanks to all of you who filled our congregational survey about the exciting possibility of launching a third regular Sunday service here at DPC. Having reviewed all survey responses, the elders are keen to continue pursuing this opportunity for gospel growth. There will be a get together at 4:00pm on Sunday 30 March at the church for all those who are keen or seriously thinking about being part of the core group to help launch this new service. This will be an important time of update, discussion and prayer.

Even if you did If you did not fill in a survey, but you are interested in joining this third service as the primary service in which you (and your family) will worship and serve, please prioritise coming along. This time together will help inform the elders as they make further decisions about this third service.


Our new Diaconal Care Team

Each of our deacons are responsible for coordinating a different ministry of service: Sick and Laid up (Louise Hood), Meals (Sharon Gallagher), Practical Help (Ian Hemphill), Financial Help (Paul Eshuis), New parents & young families (Karley Rumble) and Visitation (Katharine York). 

If you, or others you know, need a helping hand, please speak to one of our deacons directly or for all general enquiries contact Katharine York in person or via email.

Newcomers Afternoon Tea

If you’ve only recently begun attending our church, or if you’ve not been to one of our newcomers events before, we'd like to invite you for an afternoon tea to welcome you properly to our church. This is an open invitation for Sunday 30 March from 2:00-3:30pm. This will be an informal opportunity for you to get to know a bit more about our church, to meet some of our church leaders and other people who are new to the church too. We’ll talk about the ministries we have available for you to get involved in and what the next steps might be for you get more connected into the life and community and mission of our church. Contact Heath Easton to RSVP.

Harvest Thanksgiving

We will be celebrating Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday 23 March. As an expression of our gratitude to the Lord of the harvest for his generous provision to us, we have this opportunity to show our generosity to others in our community by bringing along items of fresh or packaged foods or supermarket gift cards. All donated items will be distributed to those in need in our church and local community through our deacons and the Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief.

50 Year Jubilee Dinner

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour” (1 Tim 5:17).

April this year will mark 50 years of Alan York’s serving as an elder in this church. To express our thanks to God and honour to Alan, we will be holding a 50 Year Jubilee Dinner on Saturday 5 April from 6:00-8:30pm. Registrations will open in the coming weeks.


Changes to Pastoral Assistant position 

Our hope was that Graeme Lowe would increase from 2 to 3 days of work per week as Pastoral Assistant from the middle of last year, so that he might focus this additional time in equipping all of us to provide pastoral care to one another in the church. Sadly, this increase never eventuated due to a combination of Graeme experiencing an unexpected reduction in his capacity due to poor health and other valuable ministry commitments continuing outside of the church. This year, Graeme's time allocation will remain at 2 days per week, but he will be investing this time equally between ministry to seniors and providing pastoral care training throughout our church. Please speak to any of the elders if you’d like to discuss this more. 


Update on the Building Committee

Thanks to our Building Committee for their ongoing work on progressing our plans for the possible redevelopment of our church facilities. The Committee currently consists of Amos Selvaraj (Convenor), Steph Selvaraj (Secretary), Hannetjie Swanepoel, Pauline Weir and Steve Weir. Please direct any correspondence for the committee through Steph via email.

Talking about Jesus

Do you want to share your faith but you’re not sure how to start? Are you anxious about offending someone by talking about Jesus? Women's Ministries Victoria is holding a 4 week online Mini-Series during March to help you build the mindset and relationships to share Jesus without it being awkward. Register now at

Name Badges

As we meet week by week at church, one practical thing we can do to serve newcomers (and the memory challenged among us) is to wear a name badge at church. You can find them in the church foyer. If you don’t have one yet, or if you’ve lost yours, please just email Hepzibah Haynes and she’ll make one for you. If you would prefer to purchase a magnetic name badge for a small cost, you can tell her that too.

Dates for your Diaries:
  • 19 February - Board Meeting
  • 21 February - Gravity Youth Group - 7:00-9:30pm
  • 22 February - Church Camp
  • 26 February - Ladies Fellowship - 11:30am
  • 28 February - Little Borrower - 9:00am-12:00pm
  • 28 February - Gravity Youth Group - 7:00-9:30pm
  • 1 March - Mens Meet Up at Drouin Bakery - 8:00am
  • 1 March - Little Borrower - 9:00am-10:00am
  • 2 March - Marriage Course - 10 Sunday Evenings - 7:30-8:30pm
  • 5 March - Session Meeting
  • 7 March - Little Borrower - 9:00am-12:00pm
  • 7 March - KidZone - 4:30-6:00pm
  • 12 March - Hope Explored - 7:30pm
  • 14 March - Gravity Youth Group - 7:00-9:30pm
  • 15 March - Safe Church Basic Training - 10:00am-12:00pm
  • 16 March - Gravity Service - 5:00pm
  • 18 March - PWMU Meeting - 1:30pm
  • 29 March - The Goodness of the Lord - 7:30-9:00pm

Can we help?

Each of our deacons are responsible for coordinating a different ministry of service: Sick and Laid up (Louise Hood), Meals (Sharon Gallagher), Practical Help (Ian Hemphill), Financial Help (Paul Eshuis), New parents & young families (Karley Rumble) and Visitation (Katharine York).

If you, or others you know, need a helping hand, please speak to one of our deacons directly or for all general enquiries contact Katharine York via

email or in person at church on a Sunday.

Praying in Everything

“Pray continually” says Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Because God love it when we pray, listens to us when we pray, and answers us when we pray…we want to be a church that is committed to Praying in Everything. And while we can pray on our own, there’s something special about praying together as a church too. For that reason we’d love to have you join us for one of our regular prayer meetings during the week. We have two groups that anyone is welcome to attend, that meet to pray on Tuesday mornings from 7:00-8:00am and Thursday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm. Speak to Heath Easton or Steve Jones if you’d like to come along.

2025 Ministries for All Ages

- For Children:

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is on for 3yo kinder to Grade 6 kids 10:00-10:30am. Every Sunday (in school terms). Teaching kids to know, love, trust, obey and enjoy Jesus.

Contact: Christina Finley via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


Our fortnightly (in school terms) Friday evening KidZone ministry for primary aged kids is, 4:30-6:00pm in the church hall. Format is kid’s club with games, activities, food and discipleship. Great place to bring kids from school to introduce them to Jesus.

Cost: $5/child or $10/family*.

Contact: Steve Jones via email or in person at church on a Sunday.

Toy Library

Drouin Toy Library is open again on Friday mornings between 9:00am-12:00pm and monthly Saturday mornings between 9:00-10:00am. Borrowing out toys, books and DVDs and providing a fun and safe environment for children and families to play and socialise and experience the love of Jesus.

Contact: Kerryn Selvaraj via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


- For Secondary School Aged Youth:

Youth Group

7:00-9:30pm. Four Friday nights each term at the church. Hang out, have some fun and be encouraged to take Jesus seriously.

Cost: $5/youth or $10/family*.

Contact: Alistair Hood via email or in person at church on a Sunday.

Youth Connect Group

7:00-8:30pm. Every Monday in school terms at the church. Connecting with God and discipling teens through God’s word.

Contact: Alistair Hood via email or in person at church on a Sunday.

*we do not wish to see these costs to be a barrier to any child or teenager attending our programs. Please speak to the leader of this ministry to discuss other arrangements.

-For Adults:

Prayer Groups

7:00-8:00am Tuesdays and 2:00-3:00pm Thursdays. (February-December) A time of reflecting on God’s word and then praying for our church, community, nation and world.

Contact: Heath Easton (Tuesday group) or Steve Jones (Thursday group).

Connect Groups 

We have groups running in the evening and daytime, weekly, fortnightly and monthly, mixed groups, women’s groups and a young adults group. Connecting with God and each other as we read, discuss, apply and pray about the Bible together during the week. Various leaders and locations. We would love all of you to be involved in Connect Groups this year. If you are not in one and would like to join one, please let Steve Jones know and we will help you find an appropriate group.

Contact: Steve Jones  via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


Who should I talk to?

If you ever want to contact Session (the elders) with questions, concerns or suggestions about our church life, teaching, leadership or ministry, please communicate with our Session Clerk, Merv York, in person or by email.


If you ever want to contact the Board of Management regarding our church facilities, resources, maintenance, safety issues or finances, please communicate with our Board Secretary, Robyn Crocker, in person or by email.


If you ever want to contact our Deacons for any practical assistance for yourself or for someone you know, when a helping hand is needed, please contact Katharine York, in person or by email.


These people will ensure that the matters you’ve raised will be passed on, in a timely manner, to the other elders, board managers and deacons respectively. The Deacons will respond to your requests within a matter of days. The Board and Session will receive your communication at their next scheduled meeting which means you can expect a response within a month (session) or two months (board). 

Church Library

The Church Library is open for business! It is accessible at all times with the church centre key. It is located in room opposite the top kitchen.

There are Christian books, DVDs and CDs to support the nurture and growth of our whole church family. We’re sure you will find something for yourselves and your whole family.

Please follow the directions on signs for recording loans. Check it out online using the link and login details that will be emailed to you personally, or head to the church and see it for yourself. Speak to Kerryn Selvaraj for more details.

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