We believe the gospel [good news] that Jesus of Nazareth who was put to death on a cross in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago has been raised by God to life and given all authority in heaven and earth, including the authority to judge and forgive.
Taught by the gospel we believe the death Jesus suffered was no accident, but a God given sacrifice for our sins, where Jesus died the death we deserved for our rebellion against God, dying in our place to give us life. He could do this for He is God’s eternal Son who took on our life for this very purpose. In coming to know Jesus as God’s Son we have also been brought to know God the Father who sent the Son into the world, and God the Spirit whom the Father entrusted to the Son to pour out on those who trust Him.
Thus we confess One God, Father, Son and Spirit, the Creator of all there is. In trusting Jesus by believing His gospel we have come to know for ourselves what He has promised to those who trust Him – forgiveness of sin, peace with God, the gift of His Spirit, adoption as His children, and the hope of eternal life. That life will be revealed more fully when Jesus returns in glory to usher in the final judgement and the new heaven and earth.
We can know this gospel because God has given us the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In the New Testament we find the witness of the apostles, Jesus’ chosen messengers, to the life, death, rising and teaching of Jesus. We also find their letters which help us understand what those events mean for us, and how to live as followers of Jesus in this world. In the Old Testament we find the prophetic writings that point us to Jesus and enrich our understanding of God’s plan, purpose and promises fulfilled in Jesus. All the books of the Bible are given to us by God, they are God breathed. As the Word of God they enable us to trust Jesus and are active in our lives to teach, rebuke, correct and train us to live godly lives. They are wholly reliable and trustworthy, and are all we need to trust and follow Jesus.
Based on the principles of the Protestant Reformation, we don’t take credit for believing, but are full of praise and thankfulness to God for opening our eyes to see His glory in the face of His Son. Of ourselves we are dead in our sin, like all the children of Adam, and it is God who saves us completely, from electing His people before the creation of the world, to redeeming them on the cross, to calling them to Himself in the gospel and giving them new life, continuing His good work in them throughout our lives, and finally to raising us up to live with Him forever. Our confidence is not in ourselves but in God, and His steadfast love never fails.
We believe that the good news [gospel, or in Greek Euangelion] of Jesus is for all, and that it is God’s will that it goes throughout the world. We actively seek to share it with our neighbours, in our community, and to participate in its spread throughout the world. We do this because we believe God wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth of Jesus, for He is the only Saviour, and the Saviour of the world. We are unembarrassed in this, for we know both that there will be a judgement of all at the end and only those who are in Jesus’ book of life will be saved, and that knowing God’s love in Jesus is a treasure beyond any price.
We Are a Presbyterian Church
We believe that God has given to the congregations of His people: elders (in Greek Presbuteros) to shepherd His people and direct their life together under His word. We also believe that it is good for congregations to fellowship together on the basis of a common understanding of the faith. We are part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, Presbyterian Church of Victoria and the Presbytery of Gippsland.
We Are a Local Church
Our church congregation is a diverse mix of people who have been worshipping and serving God in Drouin and surrounds for over 100 years. We are distinctly local and seek to love and serve our local community in Drouin. We are women and men, young and old, from many different backgrounds, who all have one thing in common: we are forgiven sinners who love Jesus. We know that we are no better than anyone else, but we love to encourage our local community with the great news of Jesus.
Sunday Services
8:40am and 10:40am
(5:00pm Monthly)
Office Details
Phone: 03 5625 1126
PO Box 162, Drouin VIC 3818.