Membership & Serving

Membership & Serving


At Drouin Presbyterian we love church membership. But when we refer to membership, we are not talking about joining a club, but instead partnering together in the work of the gospel. 

We believe membership is a good way of making a visible commitment to Christ and his people, because believers belong to churches.

We believe making a commitment to membership makes a powerful statement in a low-commitment individualistic culture. 

We believe membership helps to keep us accountable to each other as we seek to grow in godliness together.  

We believe joining the church helps our elders be more faithful shepherds, knowing who they are pastorally responsible for. 

We believe it is only members, those who have committed to this local church, who are to have the privileges of voting and taking full part in the business of the congregation.

If you are interested in finding out more about Membership, please contact one of our Pastors on the Contact Us page.


Jesus calls us to serve others, not only within the church but also with those around us. Some of the ways we do this at Drouin Presbyterian Church are listed below.

Serving our church family:

We believe that God has given all Christians particular gifts and talents to glorify Him and encourage the rest of his people. There are lots of great opportunities for you to use your gifts to love and serve others during our Sunday Services and we encourage each member to get involved. 

Serving our wider community:

As a church we are passionate about engaging with, and serving our local community. Currently we do this through running our Toy Library twice a week from the church centre, supporting the Baw Baw Combined Churches Food Relief, holding community contact events each quarter, providing chaplains for local sporting clubs, running our monthly evangelistic Gravity services, and many more. There are always more ways to get involved.   


The good news about Jesus is completely free, so if you’re not a Christian, or not a regular or member at Drouin Presbyterian, we don’t want your money!

But if you’re a regular or member here and would like to support our ministry, you can do so either through giving on Sundays or through giving by electronic means.

Contact Us

If you would like more information about any of the ways that you can serve here at Drouin Presbyterian, please contact one of our Pastors. Our details are on the Contacts Us page.

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