MORNING Services:
Our two regular morning church service times each week are 8:40am and 10:40am. Anyone is very welcome to attend. View our Service Times page for more info.
We occasionally combine our morning services to run at 9:40am. Typically we do this on Good Friday and Christmas Day.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) at both morning services on the first Sunday of February, April, June, August, October & December.
We have a crèche program at both our 8:40am and 10:40am services for pre-school aged children.*
Primary School aged children can be enrolled to attend
Sunday School which runs from10:00am to 10:30am during school terms (between the two morning services).*
EVENING Services (Monthly):
5pm Monthly
Gravity Service is a contemporary service run by, and for youth and young adults. Anyone is very welcome to attend. Please contact us for upcoming dates or check our
What our Church Services are Like:
Perhaps you are new to church or maybe you haven't ever been to a Presbyterian church before (or any church). If that's you, that's fine - you are very welcome to visit us or join us regularly. To help you know what we do at church and to put your mind at ease before visiting us, here's some basic information on
what to expect.
*All Children's Ministry leaders have current Working With Children's Checks. Leaders are required to undergo rigorous safety checks through the Presbyterian Church of Victoria's Safe Church Unit to receive approval to work with children and each leader receives child safety training. Children's Ministry leaders must adhere to the PCV Safe Church Policy, Safe Church Code of Conduct and Drouin Presbtyerian Church's Children's & Youth & Ministry Policy.
Sunday Services
8:40am and 10:40am
(5:00pm Monthly)
Office Details
Phone: 03 5625 1126
PO Box 162, Drouin VIC 3818.