Two services are held each Sunday at 8:40am and 10:40am. The content: Bible readings, prayers, songs, kids spots, sermon are the same in both services.
Here are the details of ourLocation. Visitors are always welcome.
Gravity Services
One Sunday a month (typically the third Sunday) at 5:00pm we hold a Gravity Service. The make-up of the service: Bible readings, prayers, songs, interviews and sermons are the similar to the weekly morning services but with a greater emphasis on engaging withYouthandYoung Adultswho are still coming to terms with how the Good News of Jesus can make a real difference in their life.
In 2025 we will explore theCharacter of God.
Dates for 2025:9 February, 16 March, 18 May, 15 June, 20 July, 17 August, 19 October, 16 November
Here are the details of ourLocation. Visitors are always welcome.