My journey of faith in the Lord Jesus began almost 50 years ago at the age of 17. For years earlier I had attended the small Baptist church at the end of our street and attended Sunday School, Boys club and School Holiday programs run by godly men and women who taught and lived Gods Word in their daily lives. To be honest my primary motivation in attending Church in those days was a selfish desire to be in an atmosphere of security and peace often missing from a home life clouded by the effects of alcohol.
Thinking of it years later I thank God that he called a sinner such as me to repentance despite misguided motivations.
Baptism at the age of 17 for me was the time I fully accepted Christ’s perfect sacrifice for my sin and His resurrection power that provides hope and certainty of salvation.
As unwise as it may be to have a favorite passage of Scripture, mine is found in 2 Kings chapter 6. In the midst of a period of Idolatry in Israel’s history we see in this account God’s extravagant mercy and grace being extended to a brutal Aramean army and by extension, me.
By God’s power the Arameans are blinded and led by the prophet Elisha to the stronghold of Israel - Samaria. With their sight restored and standing in Samaria I wonder what the Aramean soldiers expected would happen next? What did they deserve as Israel’s enemy? Certainly Israel’s king, Jehoram seemed to think a slaughter of God’s enemies would be in order! But here God through his prophet deviates from the script. Rather than an unmerciful death, God’s character is revealed for all to see.
A “Feast” is prepared for the captives before setting them free. I love this story for it highlights God's extravagance in His love for the sinful and broken who were alienated from Him. His mercy is unlimited and His grace unmerited not only to Aramean soldiers but also to us.
It is my prayer that as those faithful servants demonstrated Christ’s love to me as a young person I can do the same in my interactions with those around me, that the gifts God has provided me be used to uplift and encourage others of faith as we serve and worship the risen Lord Jesus together in community.
Sunday Services
8:40am and 10:40am
(5:00pm Monthly)
Office Details
Phone: 03 5625 1126
PO Box 162, Drouin VIC 3818.