I had the privilege of being raised in a family who taught me about God. I grew up reading my bible, praying and trying to be obedient to Him. However, around the age of 18, I found myself discontent and wondering if there was any more point to the Christian life than just doing the ‘right thing’.
Around that time, while on a Christian camp at Lake Tyers, God showed me that living as His child was more than obeying the rules; it was also a huge part of His purpose for us that we tell the world about Jesus. This completely changed my way of thinking and from then on, I wanted everything I did and said to be all about Him.
A verse that has impacted deeply is John 19:30. It says, When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. The verse helps me understand that forgiveness is real with Jesus. My guilt and shame is gone. We don’t need to earn His love because our sin is dealt with and ‘finished’ with His death on the cross.
Over the years, God has shown me that He is faithful during good times as well as difficult times. I continue to learn to trust Him no matter the circumstances.
Sunday Services
8:40am and 10:40am
(5:00pm Monthly)
Office Details
Phone: 03 5625 1126
PO Box 162, Drouin VIC 3818.